About Us
The Emerald Beach church of Christ is a family of Christians seeking to walk in the old paths (Jeremiah 6:16) and do all things according to the pattern found in the New Testament for the church of Christ (2 Timothy 1:13). We hope this website is helpful to describe to you who we are and what we are seeking to be as a part of God’s family.
If you visit with us we trust you will receive a warm welcome and find that we are a friendly and caring group of individuals – imperfect people who believe in the perfect plan of Christ for His church. We seek to uphold the principles of the New Testament in our worship, organization, plan of salvation, and every day living in Christ.
Our goal is to speak where the Bible speaks, and be silent where the Bible is silent. We are convinced that the Bible is not only authoritative, but is also relevant today as mankind’s best guide for everyday living. We would love to have you worship with us.
Meet our minister

Kerry Knight
Pulpit Minister
Brother Kerry Knight was educated at Auburn University, Troy State, Alabama Christian, and Ambridge University, Ba and MA degrees in Bible and counseling and has worked towards PhD in biblical studies. He has a thirst for knowledge; his wisdom and deep understanding of the Word comes through in every lesson he offers. Brother Knight has served long tenures as a local minister in Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, and Texas throughout his 50 year career.
Brother Knight's source of encouragement during the past 52 years has been his wife Deborah. They have two children, Richard and Tracy, and five grand children. Throughout the years, they have traveled to the Holy Lands of the Middle East and have visited numerous significant Christian sites throughout Europe. They have served on missions and Brother Knight has preached in Jordan, Israel, the British Isles and across Europe. These experiences add context to their understanding of the Word, and they enjoy sharing this knowledge through the sermons that Kerry presents. Kerry’s education, his experiences abroad, and the foundation of love within his family, have helped shape his foundation for service in the Church.
We Are A Spiritual Church
We make it our aim to be pleasing to God (2 Corinthians 5:9). God's word is our final authority in all matters. Our sincere and dedicated purpose is to teach what the Bible teaches. Our goal is to worship God in spirit and in truth ( John4:24 ).
We Are A Friendly Church
We strive to open our hearts as well as our doors to all visitors. Visitors are counted as honored guests.
We Have A Faith-Building Education Program
Our Sunday & Wednesday Bible schools have classes for all ages taught by dedicated teachers. We are committed to the Bible command, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
We Are A Church Concerned About Others
As a group of Christians, we are interested in others; therefore, our benevolent and mission programs are constantly active. God commands, "As we have therefore opportunity, let us good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith"( Galatians 6:10).
We Are A Church Telling The World About Jesus
We are dedicated to the "Great Commission" of Jesus Christ. "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15-16).
We Are Just Christians
The confusion of the religious world today is far different from the unity shared by the early Christians. Following the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles, we are simply Christians.